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Welcome to this space, where we will post our books and the links to the places where you can find them. We really appreciate it when people buy our books, of course, but... do you know one thing that makes us really happy? Getting reviews written by our readers. Yeah! When we get a new review from someone who has read our book we feel like bouncing all over the place. That really helps us to improve our writing and to write stories that can be even more enjoyable for all of you. So check our books, consider buying them if you like what you see, and don't forget to leave a review afterwards. We will appreciate that so much.

Blissfire: A Story Collection by D.e.e.L is a collection of ten short stories all focusing on the journey to true bliss and happiness as reflected by the views of each story’s fictional character. Written in a poetic tone, this collection offers a read from the heart.

​​Find yourself being thrown into the lives of very different people, the circumstances that push them down in life and how they try to overcome them. Bliss is within grasp of us all, but sometimes you just have to tell yourself "Find your bliss, even if you have to pass through the fire." - D.e.e.L




Click on the cover and you will be redirected to the store where you can get a copy of this amazing book.

Little Nani is a little girl who likes helping people. However, when she helps people the results can be a bit unexpected. Why is that? Little Nani is a witch! Or at least she wants to be a witch. With her magic wand, she will try to cast different spells to help her friends, but she won't be successful all the time.​

Follow Little Nani in her funny adventures and meet her extraordinary friends. Funny ostriches, horses that love reading, super-fast turtles, grumpy zombies... Little Nani has lots of friends! You can also draw your own characters!​

Little Nani is willing to become a good witch. Will she manage to do it? Who knows? Read the stories and discover what happens next!

Click on the cover of the book and you will find out how to buy my book.

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