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Hey, It's D.e.e.L - 

Here is where I invite everyone to read some of my latest poems, as well as some old favorites.

Please Enjoy and fall away into words ripped from within, spilled upon paper, dripping as each phrase creates the canvas of your mind.

​Exist - By: D.e.e.L



Flickering light

A thought.
Happiness seemed within grasp once more
Perhaps only in the forseen
Eyes damaged by the moon
lit as burning day
Pack full of empty boxes of photographs
Nothing makes sense
Twist of faded forshadowing dubbed in subtitles
Ignited memories being drawn upon paper thought to be erased
This place again
I’ve come to love it;
Only because I exist.

Haunt - By: D.e.e.L

So beautiful

Fading as hours pass
Out there somewhere living dreams
Climbing about in realism is I
Attempting to fall asleep alone


Sleeping throughout the day
Is she


Awake and reading is I


Next to her I wish to lay
Yet no realm of dreams shall share us


​Savage - By: D.e.e.L



To this world
To this realm
What is this life that I have not been living?
Who are all these people I will never meet?
Heart pounding
Hands clenched to fists too painful to bare
Holding onto something
That faint glimpse at happiness I once held
The act of it being ripped from my chest
Fueling my passion
Scribing my words from its agony
Where am I now?
Within this world I have been scattered
To whom do I seek to once again feel such bliss?
Savage is such
Becoming someone new was never an option.

Forever in a Moment - By: D.e.e.L

Forever within a moment exists a mind untrampled

Not to be tampered with
The bounce of thought
Becomes nothing but a sound
As it springs back up
The moment
Now a memory

World to Words - By: D.e.e.L 

Life is endlessly rushing

Be there and should have been there
Rushing stress pushing me down within every waking second
Sleep is but a dream
The only time where time itself does not exist
Is when I am writing
When hours feel of seconds
And the world falls to words

Titled Something I Forgot - By: D.e.e.L

There was a title to this poem

but it is something I forgot
it was about the theme
which was about finding this poem’s title
I wish I could remember the title to this poem
the title I forgot

Memorable - By: D.e.e.L 

when something in life

has been engraved
hands printed
a memory of a single day
of a year
one person
multiple nights
we remember such bliss alongside torment
we are given the gift of memories
to be able to see again what was once so enchanting
friends laughing
the day a friend vanished
memories have no control for themselves
only over us
a lingering eagerness to obtain time flung to past
ever second in life becoming memorable
whether it be to you
or the person rembering you
when something in life has been engraved
hands printed

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